Размер шрифта Цветовая схема Изображения
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Successful enterprises of the region: CJSC OKB-Planeta.
Successful enterprises of the region: CJSC OKB-Planeta.
Successful enterprises of the region: CJSC OKB-Planeta.
Successful enterprises of the region: CJSC OKB-Planeta.
Successful enterprises of the region: CJSC OKB-Planeta.
Successful enterprises of the region: CJSC OKB-Planeta.
Successful enterprises of the region: CJSC OKB-Planeta.
Successful enterprises of the region: CJSC OKB-Planeta.
Successful enterprises of the region: CJSC OKB-Planeta.
Successful enterprises of the region: CJSC OKB-Planeta.
Successful enterprises of the region: CJSC OKB-Planeta.
Successful enterprises of the region: CJSC OKB-Planeta.
Successful enterprises of the region: CJSC OKB-Planeta.
Successful enterprises of the region: CJSC OKB-Planeta.
Successful enterprises of the region: CJSC OKB-Planeta.
Successful enterprises of the region: CJSC OKB-Planeta.
Successful enterprises of the region: CJSC OKB-Planeta.
Successful enterprises of the region: CJSC OKB-Planeta.
Successful enterprises of the region: CJSC OKB-Planeta.
A contemporary engineering company with a focus on the development and production of state-of-the-art semiconductor microwave components, liquid and capillary cooling systems, power converters, radio equipment. The company has unique competence in the field of creation of radio equipment for the radiolocation stations based on the active electronically scanned array. The developments of OKB-Planeta are applied in the national missile launch detection system (MLDS) A contemporary engineering company with a focus on the development and production of state-of-the-art semiconductor microwave components, liquid and capillary cooling systems, power converters, radio equipment. The company has unique competence in the field of creation of radio equipment for the radiolocation stations based on the active electronically scanned array. The developments of OKB-Planeta are applied in the national missile launch detection system (MLDS)
OKB-Planeta is a modern production company performing development and production of high technology products. Key competencies of the company are development and production of the receiving and transmitting radio equipment and its components: Microwave electronic components, functional microwave units and modules, power converters, cooling systems.
The company successfully distributes R & D both for third-party customers and in a proactive manner. For over 10 years OKB has successfully participated in Federal Target Programs of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation. During the period of 2008–2016 more than 60 part types of Electronic Component Base have been developed, more than 20 import components have been import substituted, 7 basic technologies of the radio equipment advanced components development have been designed .
In 2009 OKB-Planeta was recognized as the best innovative enterprise of the Novgorod region. In 2016 the company entered the TOP 10 of the medium-sized Russian fast-growing companies.
In may 2016 the electron-beam lithography site was put into operation. With its launch, the creation of the technological line in the production of microwave microcircuits with a topological norm of up to 0.1 microns was finished. This production allows to effectively substitute import microwave components in the domestic market. In the first quarter of 2018, it is planned to complete the construction of the second stage of the production complex with a total area of 4.500 square meters. The assembly areas of the radio equipment, cooling systems and optical components are planned to be located at the new site.
Historical background
Cooperation with Research Institute 35 (Research Institute of Environmental Issues, Research Institute “Pulsar”) on finalization of the design and technology of microalloy and alloy diffused germanium transistors (TM2, 3, 5, P417), their implementation in production at the plant. Technical assistance to the plant in improving the production technology and design of alloy germanium transistors in order to increase the percentage yield, to stabilize the parameters and
to improve quality and reliability. Development and implementation in production of the combined production systems of crystals production and the assembly of transistors.
Development together with the Research Institute of Environmental Issues of germanium planar epitaxial transistors GT328 and GT346 with the special characteristic for application in circuits with automatic gain control (AGC) of the selectors of television channels of meter and decimeter wavelength range, implementation in production at NZLK and at the plant “Transistor” in Minsk. Development and implementation in production of special technological, inspection, measuring and testing equipment for the production of planar transistors.
Development of germanium planar epitaxial low-noise microwave transistors for the equipment of special use 1Т376, 1Т386, the series of hybrid microwave integrated circuits 401UV1-UV3. Implementation in production.
Transistors and GaAs microcircuits (from 4 GHz to 37 GHz) – more than 41 part types, including microwave converters for satellite television reception were developed and introduced into production. Silicon microwave low-noise transistors and medium power transistors КТ3165, 2Т3121, 2Т3187, 2Т658, 2Т9143. Totally 19 part types of silicon transistors were developed these years.
The series of silicon integrated microcircuits of current drivers with different logical functions К1102, microcircuits for television receivers, microcircuits set for domestic VCRs KR1021УР1, KR1043ХА4, KR1051ХА11, KR1054ХА1, KF1051ХА16 were developed and implemented in production. Totally 27 part types of monolithic and hybrid microcircuits of different functions and purpose were developed these years. Development of a number of base matrix crystals.
Mastering the production of light-emitting diodes. Development and production of watches and information panels (“crawling lines”) using light-emitting diodes; assisting the plant in mastering the production of watches and panels.