A meeting with the management of the Association Italy-Russia, namely with the Association’s president Natalya Golovchenko and with the adviser, treasurer Mario Pietri, took place on the 13th of February with the support of Novgorod region development agency. Vice head of Veliky Novgorod administration Aleksandr Matyunin, mayor of the city of Porto San Giorgio (Italy) Nicola Loira, heads of the region’s development institutions, businessmen willing to initiate relationships with the Italian colleagues were present at the meeting. The meeting was moderated by Alla Zavodina, the director of Investment and financial consulting agency.
The Association is a non-profit organization the aim of which is above all to promote Russian-Italian business, as well as to support cultural, economic and touristic exchange between Italy and the Russian Federation, to support activity aimed at strengthening the relations between the two countries.
Mario Pietri described Italian-Russian relations within the work of the Association:
“Russia is a natural bridge as well between Europe and the East as China. Russia is an ideal partner to develop relations with global consequences. For Italy it is a peculiar look at the East, an opportunity to avoid promotional stereotypes imposed by many mass-media and Western institutions”.
Presentation of Novgorod region was made for the Italian colleagues. For example, acting director of Novgorod region development agency Evgeniya Alekseyeva told about the region’s investment potential, deputy director of tourism office “Novgorodian Rus” Olga Alentieva presented the potential of the tourism area.
The director of the Center of export support Tatiana Lavrentieva told how the work with Novgorod exporters is carried out, which possibilities they have in joint activities with the Center.
The chairman of the regional branch of the public organization of small and medium-sized business “Reliance of Russia” Andrey Goloshchanov and the president of Novgorod chamber of commerce and industry Viktor Bykov told about his work with Novgorod business.
Notably, visible results for Novgorod businessmen in the area of support in looking for partners for implementing joint projects or for exporting their goods to Italy have already been outlined during the first meeting with the Italian colleagues. For example, Ekaterina Burova, the owner of a brand of sportswear, asked the management of the Association to help her to avoid mediators while buying the Italian material which she uses in her work.
The head of Peasant individual farm “Novgorodskiy agrariy” (Novgorodian farmer) Denis Pavlyuk was interested in variants of purchasing equipment for modernization of his manufacturing site.
The meeting took place in a constructive, friendly atmosphere. In their turn, the management of the Association invited Novgorod businessmen to take part in the business-dialogue “Italy - Russia” which will take place on the 1st of March in the city of Brescia, Italy.
13 февраля 2019 13:26:00