On the 12th and the 13th of February the delegation of Russian-German Chamber of Commerce, consisting of the head of the North-Western Branch and representatives of about 20 companies, was working in Veliky Novgorod together with Novgorod region development agency. During the visit on the 12th of February the guests met the governor of the region Andrey Nikitin. Representatives of Novgorod region’s government, of Novgorod companies "Mechanical Engineering Service“, “Delovoy Partner”, “UKOM Consulting”, individual businessmen, farmers also took part in the meeting. One of the questions which was interesting for the businessmen was development of regional road network.
“We are located close to Moscow and Saint-Petersburg, which gives us the opportunity to get quickly to the biggest Russian markets. We also have two highways – M10 and M11. Today we are working on creating transportation corridor from Vologda region to Pskov region. We are planning to transfer this road from regional to federal property” – informed the governor.
The guests were also interested in outlooks of developing air communication between Veliky Novgorod and other cities. The governor told that it is planned to build an airport in the region. The project will get federal support, it was included into “Comprehensive plan of modernization and extension of the backbone infrastructure for the period till 2024”.
Andrey Nikitin noted that all the needed energy resources are available for business in the region, as well as new sites with tax relieves for investors: PSEDA (Priority Social-Economic Development Area), industrial park, technopark and business incubators.
Training staff for the companies was also discussed during the meeting. “Secondary vocational education is developing rapidly in Novgorod region. Russian-German Chamber of Commerce is also paying a very big attention to this direction. I think, it is not a secret that we are promoting the system of dual education in Russia. In the package of proposals which we prepared for possible cooperation, there is an idea to create a module of training specialists according to dual educational system at a Novgorod educational institution or at a company” – told the head or the North-Western Branch of the Russian-German Chamber of Commerce Vladimir Nikitenko.
During the discussion Tatyana Lavrentieva, the director or the Center of export support, told about its work. The institution has already helped to a number of companies to organize supplies of their products to Germany.
The same day delegation of Russian-German Chamber of Commerce met the vice minister of investment policy Denis Nosachov.
Representatives of development institutions were also present at the meeting. For example, the head of the investment projects support department of Novgorod region development agency Viktor Bykov told about the region’s attractiveness to the investors. The investment legislation is being improved, the priority social-economic development area “Uglovka” is created, a PSEDA in Borovichi is about to be opened.
A corresponding application was agreed for our region by the Government of Russia. Special economic areas are being created in Novgorod and Chudovo districts, the technopark “GARO” and the business incubator “X10” are developing.
- Foreign companies are successfully investing in Novgorod region – underlined vice minister of investment policy of Novgorod region Denis Nosachov.
He noted that in 1990s Novgorod region was among the 1st ones which attracted investors. Since 1996 over 132 million USD of foreign investments have been directed into the region’s economy. Notably, Novgorod region is welcoming investors, but is also oriented towards external markets. 1054,7 million USD belong to export out of 1443,8 million USD of the region’s foreign trade turnover for 2017.
On the 13th of February the delegation visited an acting business incubator in Lazarevskaya street, 11, where the guests were shown the leading companies working at the business incubator.
The director of LLC “Mechanical Engineering Service” (a subsidiary of the German Company CAE Innovative Engineering GmbH) Anton Varganov told about work on the Russian and European markets. The company presents a wide range of engineering services for different industries.
In his turn, the director of “Laboratory of system programming” Vladimir Makarov presented a ten years’ work of his company. He told about software development in medicine. The company is creating a diagnostic programme which will help modern doctors to make more precise diagnoses in cardiology. It is planned to create a similar programme for allergic diseases. The German guests were surprised by such promising software products: it had not been heard about such developments in Germany.
The guests also visited “Novgorod Metallurgical Plant” and the companies “Saueressig” and “Novtruck”.
The representatives of the delegation were received by the mayor of Veliky Novgorod Sergey Busurin. He told about tourism potential of the city, about close interaction with Germany within the Hanseatic league. In his turn, the head or the North-Western Branch of the Russian-German Chamber of Commerce Vladimir Nikitenko and the director of GTAI (German Trade and Invest) representation in the Russian Federation Gerit Schulze invited Novgorod business to take part in the traditional Week of Germany which will take place from the 3rd till the 10th of April in Saint-Petersburg.
14 февраля 2019 14:42:00