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Direct line with the GovernorApplication for the project implementation

An Electrical Products Manufacturer to Become a New Resident of the Novgorodskaya Special Economic Zone

The Expert Council of the Novgorodskaya Special Economic Zone approved the application for residency received from Production Company Blazar LLC. The Council meeting chaired by the Novgorod Region’s Deputy Governor Evgeny Bogdanov took place on 31 October.

At the SEZ the investor is planning to launch the manufacture of electrical products, namely, wires with fibreglass, paper, tape and combined insulation. The main consumers of these products will be manufacturers of oil-filled and dry transformers, electric motors, electrical devices for various applications, as well as companies engaged in repair of transformers and electric motors.

“The amount of investments in the project will be close to 250 million roubles. Implementation of the project will create 39 new jobs on the territory of the Novgorod Municipal District,” Evgeny Bogdanov pointed out.

General Director of the Novgorodskaya Special Economic Zone Artur Ayupov added that the project involves creation of the enterprise on a greenfield site. The management company will allocate to the investor a land plot with all utilities.

Production Company Blazar will become the 12th resident of the Novgorodskaya SEZ. The relevant documents issuing procedure will be completed before the end of November.

We remind that the Novgorodskaya Special Economic Zone functions within the framework of the “Formation and Development of Modern Infrastructure in the Novgorod Region for Entities Involved in Investment and Business Activities” priority regional project. It is aimed at the increase of investment activity and achievement of the “Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise” National Project objectives.

The Novgorodskaya Special Economic Zone was established in 2021 in partnership with the Alabuga SEZ.
02 ноября 2024 09:15:00
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