Signing ceremony has taken place today, on the 25th of February, at the meeting in order to improve the investment climate.
The document was certified by the governor Andrey Nikitin, director-general of LLC “Hasslacher Norica Timber” Gerhard Kirchmayer, director-general of LLC “UPM-Kymmene Chudovo” Anatoly Zhukovets and director-general of LLC “IKEA Industry Novgorod” Dmitry Almukhametov.
Within the agreement LLC “Hasslacher” is planning to invest over 228 million USD in modernization of the existing production site of deep processing of wood in Malovishersky district and in creating a new site of producing laminated board and wood house-building. During half a year the investment project will get the status of a priority one and the company will be able to rent an area of forest which will be developed by all the three companies. “UPM-Kymmene Chudovo” needs plywood birch logs, “IKEA Industry Novgorod” uses birch and coniferous species.
So, the forest area in Novgorod region will be put to its fullest use. In this, the investor is obliged to make amends and to plant coniferous species of trees in this area.
“This agreement will help us to use our forest resources more efficiently. At this, the investors must leave a new forest with precious coniferous wood after them. This case is among the first ones in Russia, when several companies unite and realize their interests which don’t intersect, because the parties are working with different raw material”, - noted Andrey Nikitin.
Let us add that within the agreement no less than 65 new workplaces with priority employment of human resources from Novgorod region will be created at the new enterprise of LLC “Hasslacher Norica Timber”. The document is valid during three years from signing.
© Press-center of the Government of Novgorod region, 2019
25 февраля 2019 13:14:00