In December the first in Novgorod GARO Technology Park will be celebrating its sixth birthday. Currently it hosts 7 residents. occupying the area close to 4 thousand square metres. The Technology Park attracts businesses by the possibility to take advantage of tax benefits, convenient location and comfort.
Private entrepreneur Andrey Lebedev became a resident of GARO in February 2022. At the Technology Park he manufactures CNC-machined parts for industrial companies of Novgorod, such as cradles, packing, washers and gaskets. Besides that, Andrey’s workshop takes orders for application of marking on the parts, painting and electroplating. A separate interesting area of his work is brass casting of different articles using investment patterns, including jewellery and decor elements.
“The articles we manufacture are used in different areas, from transformer components and device enclosures, in mechanical and optical equipment, to building facade decor. Recently we were making elements of horse harness in a unique design, and on the very same day we were casting a replacement item for optical equipment fastener which is unavailable for order from Russia,” Andrey Lebedev says.
According to Andrey, he chose GARO Technology Park for his workshop for several reasons.
“First of all, excellent location and convenient logistics. Secondly, the tax benefits make the operation of our business noticeably easier. GARO Technology Park is an excellent site for both production facilities and a comfortable office,” the businessman believes.
The Novgorod Region Development Agency can be contacted for information on conditions of residency at the region’s technology parks and business incubators. Also detailed information is available at станьрезидентом.рф.
The technology parks and business incubators function within the framework of the “Formation and Development of Modern Infrastructure in the Novgorod Region for Entities Involved in Investment and Business Activities” priority regional project. The project is aimed at the increase of investment activity, support of small and medium-sized enterprises, and achievement of objectives of the “Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise” Presidential National Project
24 октября 2024 09:12:00